This was my Dad's shirt. It was is great condition and I remember him wearing it often. I thought it would be fun to play with shoulder straps that tie different ways. I made them extra long so that I could tie a bow in the back or in the front or double wrap the waist and use a simple knot tie in the back. (I made this for my daughter, so technically not a commission.)
My sweet friend (and an incredible mother) commissioned this dress for her sister's baby shower. She brought me one of their father's shirts and I made a dress for her soon-to-be-born niece and her son. I loved the yellow seersucker fabric.
I love a little girl in blue! This dress will be perfect for its owner. It's very simple but stays true to the original shirt (with just a touch of femininity). Hopefully she will enjoy wearing it.

One of my husband's oldest childhood friends has been really kind to support my work and recently asked me to make a dress for his daughter (size 4T) and a coordinating belt for his older son. I loved working this blue and white oxford fabric (and they are UNC fans so the color combination works double-duty!). My favorite part is the way the shoulder straps attach to the back of the dress. I used the sleeve buttons and fabric to piece these in. (I only wish I had ironed it a bit better before taking these photos...)

My great-uncle commissioned this dress for his son's daughter. He has a blue shirt just like this yellow one he brought me to transform and he's going to wear it when he gives this dress as a birthday gift. (He loves the sentimental stuff as much as I do!)