Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Martha Stewart: American Made

We are excited to announce that Little Grey Line has been nominated for the Martha Stewart: American Made Awards!

Here's a little information about 'American Made' from the Martha Stewart website:

"American Made spotlights the maker, supports the local, and celebrates the handmade. It's a movement made up of people and communities who have turned their passion for quality craftsmanship and well-designed goods into a way of life.
For more than 20 years, Martha Stewart has celebrated this spirit of innovation in the pages of her magazines. Now, through American Made, Martha Stewart and the editors of Martha Stewart Living are spotlighting the next generation of great American makers...

...We believe we are in the midst of a shift in our culture where creative entrepreneurs are defining a new American economy. From Detroit to Des Moines, Spokane to St. Louis, people are choosing Main Street over mini-malls; supporting the local and the handmade. Our country's makers are sparking this change by taking a leap, banking on their creativity and craftsmanship, and living their version of the American Dream."

What an honor to be showcased alongside such talented designers and makers. 

Check out my profile here for the Martha Stewart American Made Awards

Voting starts August 26th and ends September 13th! You can vote up to six times per day with one login. Just keep clicking 'VOTE' until it says "0 votes." And, each vote enters you into a giveaway for prizes from Martha

Please consider voting for Little Grey Line!